
Our collections at Bradford District Museums & Galleries.

Our Collections

Bradford District Museum & Galleries
A large collection of photographs and negatives, comprising of over 450,000 items.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
The majority of material is local social history, including agricultural and craft tools, and comprises some 57,837 objects.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
The museum’s botany collections comprise the nationally and internationally important F.A. Lees collection and W.A. Sledge collection of flowering plants and other nationally important lichen and bryophyte collections totalling approximately 60,000 specimens.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
There are approximately 80,000 geological specimens. The fossil and rock collections come from world-wide and British sources and includes fossil collections.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
There are approximately 90,000 zoology specimens of which over 70% are invertebrate zoology including entomology and conchology.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
This collection began in 1966, and includes textiles, engineering, public and domestic transport, the history of science, motive power, printing, communications, crafts and professions, as well as technical information.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
This collection comprises some 5000 items, shared almost equally between furniture and ceramics.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
The print collection includes works by master printmakers such as Francisco Goya, William Blake and Walter Sickert and by modern masters – Pop Artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Richard Hamilton.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
The collection comprises some 38,000 items, the majority of which is excavated pot sherds.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
Bradford District Museums & Galleries (BDMG)’s collections have developed over more than 150 years, even before a museum service existed in the district.


We regularly host touring exhibitions by local and national community groups, artists and museums from across the UK.

If you would like your exhibition in one of our museum buildings please contact


If you would like to loan an object, photographs or art work from our collections please contact the registry

Please note we are not currently taking on any more loan requests before February 2026.


Photography of the displays in our museum is permitted for personal use only.

Please contact our business team if you would like to use images of our displays and gallery spaces for commercial purposes.

Please visit our Photo Archive webpage for information about using images of our objects, photographs and/or artworks.

Useful Documents

Visual Story: Bolling Hall Museum

Visual Story: Cliffe Castle Museum

Visual Story- Cartwright Hall Art Gallery

Cliffe Castle Park Wellness walk

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