Bolling Hall Museum


Read our latest blogs here.
Callum, currently working on archiving and researching around the wonderful collection of British Wool clothing we have which was designed and created for the British Food and Farming Year, 1989
As 'Dreams and Songs to sing' at Cartwright Hall is being to draw to end (The final day of the exhibition is on the 8th September), we wanted to share a couple more of the stories from the community that are in the exhibition
Many of our visitors to Cliffe Castle earlier this year enjoyed the exhibition of artwork inspired by or depicting Samurai that we had on display in the Bracewell Smith Hall. Although the artworks are now safely back in storage, we wanted to be able to share them with you still, so Dale Keeton, our talented conservator, who made it all look spectacular and Ernest, our wonderful volunteer have written this blog to provide some additional insights.
Due to generous funding from The Arts Council England/V&A Purchase Grant Fund and The Friends of Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, Bradford District Museums and Galleries has an exciting new acquisition in its collection – a preparatory sketch of The Polar Star by William Shackleton.
In spring 2024 Bradford District Museums and Galleries were delighted to receive a small collection of objects relating to Stephen Brown, an award-winning powerlifter who had a rare genetic condition.
Bradford District Museums and Galleries worked with visual artist and designer Rhian Kempadoo-Millar as our Guest Curator/Artist on an Arts Council-supported project. As Rhian’s residency came to an end with us, this blog celebrates the process and result, a textile installation titled ‘New Lands – Hidden Hands’.
I must apologise to our visitors at Cliffe Castle for the hammering and banging of late but rest assured, it isn’t anything paranormal and just me using a nail gun for the first time!
Bradford District Museums and Galleries staff were both intrigued and delighted when Timothy Benoy, Honorary Secretary of the de Brécy Trust, contacted Cartwright Hall Art Gallery generously offering the de Brécy Tondo as a loan.
Dr Lauren Padgett, one of our Assistant Curators, shares how a recent enquiry let us take a closer look at a 251-year-old recipe book by a Bradford gentlewoman in our collection, giving us a taste of 18th-century food history.
A mystery painting found to be “undoubtedly” by Raphael will go on public display for the first time.
In this blog, in response to collections at Bradford Museums, Deborah shares the inspiration for her own beautiful illustrations.

Bolling Hall Museum

On 2nd March it's World Book Day! To celebrate, we thought we'd highlight this rather special object in our collections: the Bolling Household Book.
This summer, Bradford District Museums and Galleries were delighted to be able to host ‘Hidden Histories’ with Mind The Gap at Bolling Hall, sharing some of the stories from Bradford’s past.

Bradford Industrial Museum

Bradford District Museums and Galleries worked with visual artist and designer Rhian Kempadoo-Millar as our Guest Curator/Artist on an Arts Council-supported project. As Rhian’s residency came to an end with us, this blog celebrates the process and result, a textile installation titled ‘New Lands – Hidden Hands’.
During their visit to Bradford Industrial Museum, three generations from the same family discovered photographs of their war hero ancestor from the Belle Vue Studio.
We are delighted that Chris, our Visitor Services Assistant at Bradford Industrial Museum, has written a blog post about 'Madge' - one of our marvellous machines!

Cartwright Hall Art Gallery

As 'Dreams and Songs to sing' at Cartwright Hall is being to draw to end (The final day of the exhibition is on the 8th September), we wanted to share a couple more of the stories from the community that are in the exhibition
Our newest exhibition at Cartwright Hall is by Bradford-based photographer Cath Muldowney, created in partnership with members of Bradford’s Gypsy and Traveller communities.
Bradford District Museums and Galleries staff were both intrigued and delighted when Timothy Benoy, Honorary Secretary of the de Brécy Trust, contacted Cartwright Hall Art Gallery generously offering the de Brécy Tondo as a loan.
A mystery painting found to be “undoubtedly” by Raphael will go on public display for the first time.

Cliffe Castle Museum

Many of our visitors to Cliffe Castle earlier this year enjoyed the exhibition of artwork inspired by or depicting Samurai that we had on display in the Bracewell Smith Hall. Although the artworks are now safely back in storage, we wanted to be able to share them with you still, so Dale Keeton, our talented conservator, who made it all look spectacular and Ernest, our wonderful volunteer have written this blog to provide some additional insights.
Our newest exhibition at Cliffe Castle has just opened to visitors. In this blog Lowri, our Collections curator gives us an insight into the exhibition.
In 2023, Dr Lauren Padgett, Assistant Curator of Collections, worked closely with Keighley Art Club to co-curate a temporary exhibition celebrating the Club’s history, spanning over 100 years. The Centenary Celebration was launched in September 2023 and runs until Sunday 14 January 2024.
One of our wonderful volunteers, Ian, has been busy reading and transcribing elements of the Butterfield archive - most recently he’s been piecing together some of the stories that the receipts and other documents can tell us.  Here’s a timely one for the festive period…