Get Involved
Get Involved! In A Range Of Exciting Opportunities
All Volunteer Roles include expense reimbursement
We want to make sure our volunteers receive the support they need and that they know their contribution is appreciated! Find out more about how you can help, our expense management system, and how it’s benefitted our volunteers, here.
Our volunteer manager, Sonja, says: ‘They (volunteers) are sitting together over cups of tea and saying, ‘Look it goes straight into the bank account’. It is great for them, especially now with the rise in petrol prices and some of our volunteers driving quite a long way to get to their site, they are confident that they can claim expenses, get reimbursed quickly and continue volunteering.’
Earn Citizen Coins for volunteering
The Citizen Coin scheme aims to recognise and reward people for doing social good.
This can be when people take part in doing things to help others by volunteering or by getting involved in civic activities to make Bradford District a great place for everyone.
People can earn digital discount coins via a mobile app when undertaking social value activities, such as volunteering. They can then use the coins to get discounts on goods and services at participating retailers. Those earning coins can also opt to donate their coins to other people and organisations. The app records activity undertaken to earn the coin, and produces data reports for the programme, individuals and organisations that are participating in the scheme.
The app is free and does not cost anyone anything!
Download Citizen Coin app from the App Store, Google Play, visit the website or email
Watch a short video showing how the scheme works.

How can you help?

Could you support our work by sponsoring, donating or volunteering? All opportunities have flexible commitment requirements and aim to provide a rewarding and enriching experience for all.

There are two groups who support sites across the district. These groups are set up to promote enjoyment and interest in the collections of Bradford Museums and Galleries.
Your donations are really important to us and we welcome any support you can offer.
Would you like to volunteer at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery? Find out more on how to become a volunteer.