Even when our museums and galleries are closed you can still be inspired by our amazing objects, beautiful artworks and historic buildings.

Each week we will release a new activity idea for you to do, inspired by our wonderful collections –  check our our twitter, facebook and website on a Tuesday to find the new one!

Will it be something to inspire you to draw, write, think, talk, move, make, build, explore, invent, reflect or play ?

Come back every week to find out!

We will leave the pdfs of previous activities on this page so please share and enjoy!

We would love to see some of the results:   You can contact us on Twitter: @BradfordMuseums or post to our Facebook Page –  @BradfordMuseums

Inspire me to…dance like a bee

Inspire me to…dance like a bee

Inspire me to… Form a fossil

inspire me to… form a fossil

Inspire me to play like a Victorian

inspire me to…play like a victorian

Inspire me to..Invent

Look at everyday objects in a new light and invent something new.

inspire me to…invent

Inspire me to….see like an arachnologist.

inspire me to …see like an arachnologist –  and there’s a handy ‘how to’ video here for extra help

Inspire me to…create a stone age character
Image of cut out figure in stone age clothing, and a stone arrowheads in a case

inspire me to… create a stone age character

Inspire me to….write in Hieroglyphics

inspire me to… write in Hieroglyphics

Inspire me to…create a special object

Image of a design impressed onto foil. Geometric patterns used to form the design

inspire me to…design a special object

Inspire me to…Frame a Faceinspire me to Frame a face

Inspire me to…find colour

inspire me to…find colour

Inspire me to help others

inspire me to…help others

Inspire me to…weave with water

inspire me to…weave with water

Inspire me to…Design a creature

inspire me to…design a creature

Inspire me to share a journey

inspire me to …share a journey

Inspire me to take a pencil on a walk

Have a go at this quick and simple drawing technique.

inspire me to…take a pencil for a walk

Inspire me to move like I’m in a fairytale

Sometimes artwork can tell us stories or help us to imagine being in different places.

inspire me to…move

Inspire me to Create

Find out more about pattern and create your own tessellating artwork

inspire me to …create

nspire me to Build

Image for Inspire me to build - showing a building created from plastic bricks, cardboard and wooden blocks

How easy is it to change a building ? build your own and find out in this building challenge activity.

inspire me to… build

Describe like a Naturalist

Fox (Vulpes Vulpes)

A fun describing game activity focused on animals, habitats and adaptations.

inspire me to …describe like a naturalist


inspire me to…explore

Draw like David Hockney

A 'Hockney' style drawing of a stylised green cactus in a brown pot, with yellow and pink flowers
Drawn by a Year 4 pupil attending a Workshop at Cartwright Hall

Learn to draw on your phone or tablet to create artwork David Hockney style !

inspire me to…draw like david hockney

Inspire me to… listen like a spider

inspire me to …listen like a spider

Inspire me to weave like a spiderinspire me to …weave like a spider

Inspire me to…make a map

Photograph of a hand drawn map, with depictions of important places and things - like 'Grandmas House' 'Butter Cross' but also images of feathers and other housesinspire me to…make a map

Inspire me to…write in code like a printer

Image of text written backwards reflecting in a mirror to read 'You inspire me to...write backwards'

inspire me to…write in code

Make some noise

Be inspired by the noises of machines and make your own machine music!

inspire me to…make a noise

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News and Blogs from Bradford District Museums & Galleries

We came across a fascinating set of travel diaries by Mrs Smith, a relative of the Butterfields - let us use her own words to tell the story
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