Can you imagine working in a mill in 1910? Long days in warm conditions surrounded by deafening noises from the machinery? It doesn’t sound appealing to me! Well, visitors to Bradford Industrial Museum did not have to try hard to imagine as actors brought the mill workers plight to life in our new exhibition, England at Work.
Above you can see Peter, he’s a warper at Moorside Mills in 1910. His sons, Simon and Daniel, work with him at the mill. Simon is just 11 years old he works full time scrabbling under the looms trying to clean all the bits of fluff away, it’s a dangerous job. Daniel is a few years young and is called a half-timer. He goes to school at 6am for half a day, and then goes to work in the mill in the afternoon.

The England at Work exhibition gives a glimpse into the working lives of past generations illustrated with fantastic photographs kindly loaned to us by English Heritage. Together with exhibits from our museum’s collection, visitors can imagine what life was like for workers in Bradford.
There was a fantastic atmosphere at Bradford Industrial Museum yesterday as families came together to explore the museum, take part in activities and while away the hours learning about Bradford’s industrial heritage away from the wind and the rain. You’d never know it was August!
England at Work exhibition runs until 11 November 2011
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