Bradford District Museum & Galleries


The collection comprises some 38,000 items, the majority of which is excavated pot sherds. The core of the collection, some 5500 items, is of local provenance. This in turn divides into approximate thirds, for Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval/Post medieval material. There is a small collection of Egyptology, acquired during the early years of the last century through subscriptions to the Egypt Exploration Fund. A large part of the Roman collection was derived from the excavation of the Roman Fort, at Ilkley.

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Bradford District Museum & Galleries
Bradford District Museums & Galleries (BDMG)’s collections have developed over more than 150 years, even before a museum service existed in the district.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
The print collection includes works by master printmakers such as Francisco Goya, William Blake and Walter Sickert and by modern masters – Pop Artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Richard Hamilton.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
This collection comprises some 5000 items, shared almost equally between furniture and ceramics.
Bradford District Museum & Galleries
This collection began in 1966, and includes textiles, engineering, public and domestic transport, the history of science, motive power, printing, communications, crafts and professions, as well as technical information.