Bolling Hall Museum

‘Hidden Histories’ at Bolling Hall

2 women dressed in old fashioned Victorian looking clothes in the middle of a woodland area.

This summer, Bradford District Museums and Galleries were delighted to be able to host ‘Hidden Histories’ with Mind The Gap at Bolling Hall, sharing some of the stories from Bradford’s past. Daniel Foulds, who wrote and directed the pieces, agreed to write this blog for us. He writes: “Way back in 2017 when the research and development […]

Bradford and St Blaise

St Blaise Postcard

This rather fascinating blog, written by our Assistant Curator, Lauren,  explores why Saint Blaise, an Armenian doctor and bishop from the 4th century, was celebrated in 19th century Bradford and details upcoming events in Bradford to revive this traditional celebration. Blaise, the man Blaise was a physician in historical Armenia, modern day Turkey, in the […]

#AskACurator 2018

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Heather Millard, Social History curator explains what she and the rest of the curatorial team were up to on the 12th of September. It’s that time of year, where our curators join in the international #Askacurator day on Twitter, and we do a recap every year. People ask us (and other curators) why we do […]


Suffragette poster

Our Community Engagement & Events intern Lucy, has written this weeks blog post, about a recent pop-up event she was involved with She writes: The Suffragette 2018 Pop-Up Event What a great night we had on Saturday, when we popped up with our Suffragette Collection at The Brick Box Rooms, a live arts café, to […]

Celebrating Christmas at Cliffe Castle & Cliffe Castle Park

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For this week’s blog, Social History Curator Heather Millard was busy getting into the festive spirit… If you’ve visited Cliffe Castle and its park recently, you can hardly fail to have noticed there’s been an awful lot happening in the park.  If you’ve not yet come across Deborah Rehmat’s blog recording the developments, then you really must […]

Explore Cliffe Castle with 21st Century Technology

Cliffe castle VR image

We asked our new Community Engagements and Events intern, Lucy to write this blog, and give you an insight into what she’s currently involved with…. She writes: Hello, I’m the new Community Engagement and Events Intern at Bradford Museums and Galleries. I’ve only been here the sum of three whole weeks but already I’ve been […]

LGBTQ+ symposium at Cartwright Hall

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Jill, our Curator of Fine Arts agreed to write a post for us discussing the LGBTQ+ symposium we put on last month. She writes   Last month we invited anyone interested in LGBT+ art and culture to join us at Cartwright Hall for a one-day symposium of talks. The purpose was threefold: to hear from […]

Music at the Museum: Cliffe Castle

Click here for Music at the Museum 2022-23. Tony Carruthers is one of our Visitor Service Assistants at Cliffe Castle, and agreed to write a blog talking about his involvement the ‘Music at the Museum’ events we run there. He writes. What springs to mind when you think of Cliffe Castle Museum? The Pholiderpeton? The observational […]

Helen Thornton – Cartwright Hall

In our blog series, we aim to give an insight into the many different aspects of the Museum and Galleries service.  It might be a curator talking about a collection, a conservator talking about a specific project they’ve been working on  – or in this case, our Museums Manager Central Helen Thornton agreed to write about […]

Hockney Gallery blog


Jill, our Curator of Fine Arts, has been very busy recently with a rather large project and she’s agreed to write us another blog about her work on our new David Hockney Gallery!   She writes: On the 6 July Cartwright Hall opened its doors to welcome the very first visitors to the David Hockney Gallery. Six […]