Bolling Hall Museum

Category: Curatorial

1872 the sale of a wife

Wife-selling in Victorian Bradford

Last year for International Women’s Day, our Assistant Collections Curator Lauren Padgett gave a popular and lively illustrated talk on wife-selling. This year, she has kindly

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vaccing underneath chair

Cleaning Cliffe Castle !

Our Collections officer, Pam Keeton kindly agreed to write this fascinating insight into the unseen work that happens in order to care properly for our

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#AskACurator 2018

Heather Millard, Social History curator explains what she and the rest of the curatorial team were up to on the 12th of September. It’s that

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Butterfields & Cliffe Castle

In this blog, Heather Millard, our Social history curator, discusses some interesting objects linked to the Butterfield Family You’ll be used to seeing my name pop

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#Askacuratorday 2017

Heather Millard, our social history curator has written the latest recap of the curatorial team’s activities on ‘Ask a Curator Day’…. For the past few

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News and Blogs from Bradford District Museums & Galleries

Callum, currently working on archiving and researching around the wonderful collection of British Wool clothing we have which was designed and created for the British Food and Farming Year, 1989
As 'Dreams and Songs to sing' at Cartwright Hall is being to draw to end (The final day of the exhibition is on the 8th September), we wanted to share a couple more of the stories from the community that are in the exhibition
Many of our visitors to Cliffe Castle earlier this year enjoyed the exhibition of artwork inspired by or depicting Samurai that we had on display in the Bracewell Smith Hall. Although the artworks are now safely back in storage, we wanted to be able to share them with you still, so Dale Keeton, our talented conservator, who made it all look spectacular and Ernest, our wonderful volunteer have written this blog to provide some additional insights.
Due to generous funding from The Arts Council England/V&A Purchase Grant Fund and The Friends of Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, Bradford District Museums and Galleries has an exciting new acquisition in its collection – a preparatory sketch of The Polar Star by William Shackleton.