In the midst of Bradford Industrial Museum’s fantastic new exhibition, ‘When the FA Cup Came Home,’ stands an empty black plinth.  The exhibition celebrates the glorious day, exactly 100 years ago, when Bradford City Football Club romped to a 1-0 victory against Newcastle United in the FA Cup final.

The doors to the museum open and crowds, decked out in Bradford City strips past and present, begin to queue with one aim in mind: To see the legendary FA Cup. The cup arrives dot on time and is placed on the plinth by two burly (yet friendly) bodyguards. One by one visitors get the opportunity to stand proud amongst the 1911 team and have their photograph taken.

Not only was the FA cup won by Bradford City exactly 100 years ago, but it was designed by Bradford based company Fattorini and Sons, and Bradford City were the first winners of that design. On display are many fantastic objects telling the story of the players involved and their journey to victory. There are the Bradford City and Newcastle shirts used in the final, the winning design by Fatorini’s and six of the winner’s medals hanging proudly against the backdrop of the 1911 team.

© John Ashton

It was a great day for all involved to see families stand together with the cup, adults explain to children its significance and staunch Bradford City fans celebrate the day at our museum.

After the last visitors had had their photo taken and as the museum was being put to bed, it was the turn of the museum staff involved in the day. A proud moment for all.

© John Ashton

When the FA Cup Came Home exhibition

19 March – 12 June 2011

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