Janet Simmonds, who took on the coordination of the exhibition for Bradford Museum & Galleries, agreed to write a blog for us focusing on events that are linked to the show…
She writes:
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery has recently celebrated the opening of ‘Splendours of the Subcontinent: A Prince’s Tour of India 1875-6’, with a wonderful afternoon of classical Indian dance and food.
The exhibition was formally opened by The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Councillor Geoff Reid, who enthused about the beautiful objects in the exhibition and the significant partnership that Bradford Museums and Galleries, New Walk Museum and Art Gallery,Leicester and the Royal Collection Trust have been developing over the last two years resulting in this stunning exhibition now on show at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery.
Following the Lord Mayor’s welcome the audience of around 500 people enjoyed a performance of classical Indian dance entitled ‘The Gift’, inspired by the objects on display, all presents given to Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, on his tour to India 1875-6, choreographed by Shrikant Subramaniam and Jyoti Manral, who responded to the objects through the South Asian dance genres of Kathak and Bharatanatyam, weaving melody, movement and mime to create a truly mesmerising performance.
Guests then enjoyed food served by Mumtaz, which as always, was truly delicious.

Further events planned during the exhibition include an exhibition tour and observational drawing workshop, one of the Responses to Art sessions for adults, held at Cartwright Hall each month. This event is on Thursday 6 April from 10.30am – 2.00pm, costs £5 and is likely to be very popular so please do book by calling 01274 431212
On Saturday 8 April Kajal Meghani, Exhibition Assistant Curator from the Royal Collection Trust will give an illustrated talk about the exhibition. The day will include a tour of the Mughal Water Garden in Lister Park and will include lunch and refreshments. This event is organised by Art Fund West Yorkshire and the Friends of Bradford Art Galleries and Museums.
Tickets cost £29 and can be booked through Margaret Wallis 01274 571688 wallis576@btinternet.com or Tim Walls (Art Fund) westyorkshire@artfund.org.uk

Sunday 9 April, from 12-3pm is an opportunity to join the Mehndi Meet and learn a new skill in a supported henna session for adults where the designs have been inspired by the elaborately decorated items in the exhibition. The session costs £5 and participants are advised to bring a packed lunch. Booking for this event is essential as numbers are limited. Please contact 01274 431212 to reserve your place.
During the Easter Holidays, on Thursday 13 April, 1-3pm, Sarah Deane will lead a free family drop in workshop exploring the animals which feature on so many of the objects in the exhibition. Sarah has also written the brilliant Animal Crackers family trail which can be picked up in the Sculpture Court and will guide families around Cartwright Hall in search of beasts of all kinds.

The Friends of Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, FOBAGAM,have arranged a free afternoon lecture on the 22nd of April by Jonathan Marsden, Director, Royal Collection Trust and Surveyor of The Queen’s Works of Art, who will present an illustrated history of the display of the Royal Collection from the time of Henry V111 to the present day, and the history of public access to the Royal Collection and Palaces. Early booking is advised by calling 01274 431212.

For the Spring Bank holiday, textile artist Musarat Raza will lead a free family drop in silk painting workshop inspired by beautiful enamelled patterning in the exhibition.
Drop in between 11am and 3pm on Wednesday 31 May.

The exhibition runs until Sunday 18 June and is free to enter. We hope you enjoy visiting the exhibition and taking part in one of the associated events.