Bolling Hall Museum

Another Butterfield Christmas

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One of our wonderful volunteers, Ian, has been busy reading and transcribing elements of the Butterfield archive – most recently he’s been piecing together some of the stories that the receipts and other documents can tell us.  Here’s a timely one for the festive period…

The Art of the Samurai

I must apologise to our visitors at Cliffe Castle for the hammering and banging of late but rest assured, it isn’t anything paranormal and just me using a nail gun for the first time!

Blog by Rose – Volunteer Printer

Rose volunteers in the letterpress print gallery at Bradford industrial Museum. Read her blog about new skills learnt and volunteering in a heritage setting. Hi folks, I’m a volunteer printer at Bradford Industrial Museum, part of the team who use and demonstrate the museum’s letterpress printing equipment to the public. Although I had done printing […]

Blog by Fatima – Volunteer Gardener

Fatima Shafiq, one of volunteer gardeners, shares her story of moving to Bradford as the Coronavirus pandemic hit the country, and how Bolling Hall and its garden provided a much needed distraction and sanctuary for herself and her young daughter. Read on, and discover some of her gorgeous photographs of the garden, as well as […]

An Arab Weaver, Armand Point, 1886 – Object of the month


Jean Lorrain-Smith chose May 2017’s object of the month This month’s object of the month has been chosen by our volunteer Jean Lorrain-Smith. ”There are many interesting objects at Cartwright Hall, but the picture I keep returning to is An Arab Weaver by Armand Point, painted in 1886. There is so much to see, and yet it looks so […]

Blog by Aamta – Our Street Gallery Volunteer

Selfie of Amata with an image of her pregnant on the right

Aamta, one of our amazing Our Street Gallery Volunteers,  is an arts graduate and has been doing all the amazing social media on this project over the last few months. In this blog, she tells us all about her creative work, and her journey to becoming a volunteer. Aamta is now on maternity leave but hopes […]

Blog by Niamh – Our Street Gallery Volunteer

Selfie of Niamh for her blog

Niamh has been volunteering on the Our Street Gallery project. Whilst doing some social media for the project, Niamh is also assisting with installations of the huge billboard banners and posters which can be seen now around the district, including Lister Park, outside Cartwright Hall Art Gallery. These are her thoughts on the challenges of […]

A blog from our new Gallery Volunteer Facilitator, Usman Mahmood

Cartwright Hall Art Gallery blog

Today’s blog is written by our new Gallery Volunteer Facilitator, Usman Mahmood. Usman reflects on his first weeks in his new role, some of the work he’s been doing, and the behind-the-scenes tours he’s been lucky to have had. A full circle! The first time I visited Cartwright Hall Art Gallery (CHAG) was part of […]

‘Spring’ by Samar Shahdad

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Today’s blog has been written by Samar Shahdad, an exiled Iranian poet and a researcher whose work explores the themes associated with exile such as language, identity, and belonging. Samar holds an MA in Middle East Politics and Security Studies, and her literary research explores Portuguese and Spanish literature.   Samar is currently volunteering with Bradford Museums […]