
Bradford District Museums & Galleries’ Learning Team offers schools a wide range of curriculum-linked workshops at our inspiring sites.
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 2 hr
Price £127
This dynamic workshop is designed to link with key works of art in the changing exhibitions at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery during 2025.
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 1 hr
Price £81
Based on traditional fairytales and using artwork from our changing exhibitions in 2025 this workshop has lots of opportunities for speaking, listening, mark-making and working collaboratively together with providing a great introduction to looking at real artwork.
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 2 hour
Price £127
Using artwork and artefacts pupils will explore the historic origins of Early Islamic civilisation, its influences and contribution to world culture.
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 2 hour
Price £127
Through looking at a range of Hockney artworks, pupils will investigate and try some of the different techniques and mediums Hockney works with.
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 1.5 hour
Price £102
Pupils will use LS Lowry’s original painting ‘An Industrial Landscape’ from 1952 to explore how pictures can tell us about what life was like in the past
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 1 hour
Price £81
This workshop will provide an introduction to Bradford artist David Hockney where pupils will investigate the colours and methods used by Hockney to create artwork.
Cartwright Hall Art Gallery
Duration 1 hour
Price £81
Pupils will discover what an art gallery is and will spend time looking at different pieces of art, exploring colours and shapes and recording what they have found out in their very own detective notebooks. A great introduction to visiting a gallery or museum site.
Bradford Industrial Museum
Duration 2 hr
Price £150
Let your pupils take over the museum! Support the development of career-based skills as pupils work with museum staff to carry out behind the scenes tasks
Bradford Industrial Museum
Cliffe Castle Museum
Bolling Hall Museum
Duration 1.5 hr
Price £127
A fun, immersive workshop which allows pupils to take on the role of a museum/ gallery employee
Bradford Industrial Museum
Duration 1 hr
Price £81
Children become explorers to see and discover machines, cars and even trains using drawing, movement, sticking and printing ! Ideal for a first visit to a museum in Reception or year 1.
Cliffe Castle Museum
Duration 1.5 hr
Price £102
Available on : 24, 25, 26 and 27 June 2025 In this fun workshop using the British Museum exhibition as inspiration children will immerse themselves in the world of ‘Cave Baby’ through storytelling, drama, movement and painting

Our Learning Offer

Learn At Bradford Industrial Museum

We offer a range of classroom resources that allow your pupils to connect to, experience, and be inspired by our collection.

Image shows a young girl with a clipboard in the housebody at Bolling Hall

Bradford District Museum and Galleries’ Learning Team are taking bookings for on-site workshops.

a Hockney-inspired ipad drawing

Our four sites have wide-ranging collections that can be used to enhance classroom learning across a variety of subjects and give pupils enriching experiences which add value way beyond the visit.

Bradford District is home to some of the most exciting museums and galleries in Yorkshire. From the Baroque splendour of Cartwright Hall Art Gallery to the spectacular building of Keighley’s Cliffe Castle Museum, there is always something new to do or see, and admission is free!

Learning in the Classroom

We offer a range of classroom resources that allow your pupils to connect to, experience, and be inspired by our collection.


Bradford District Museums & Galleries is proud to be supporting schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and culture.

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